Title: Lane Farms Pumpkin Patch
Location: 308 S. Walnut Lane, Santa Barbara
Description: Hayrides, farm animals, tractors & farm equipment, corn maze, “Joe, the Talking Scarecrow”, gourds, corn & cornstalks and of course…TONS OF PUMPKINS!
Open Daily 9am – 9pm
Corn Maze open M-F at 3pm, Sat & Sun at 9am
Corn Maze closes daily 1 hour prior to patch close
Please…No pets, picnics, parties or party goods.
Entrance and parking at Lane Farms Produce Stand
308 S. Walnut Lane, Santa Barbara
Call (805)964-3773 for more information.
Start Date: 2016-09-30
Start Time: 09:00
End Date: 2016-10-31
End Time: 17:00